“The main lesson is the need to tell people the truth, because the world is so fragile and we are so inter-dependent, that any attempt to hide the truth ends in tragedy”, said the Russian head of state, during a ceremony at the Kremlin...Share the truth!
joi, 28 aprilie 2011
luni, 18 aprilie 2011
Gymnastic National Contest
For me, like a parent, to observe all reactions in my daughter after she fell on a beam and floor-was so amazing. She lost points on the score sheet, but in my eyes, she found a table on which was inscribed the highest grade of competition 14.000 a maximum note for champion attitude…O, Christ, you done everything well in me and in my daughter!
vineri, 8 aprilie 2011
Transyvanian naked neck chicken has a featherless neck?
Scientists have cracked why the Transylvanian naked neck chicken has a featherless neck—and it isn't to give vampires easier access.
Read more: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/03/110315-transylvanian-naked-neck-chicken-churkeys-turkens-science/
miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011
The light under the blanket
Right now several highly publicized divorces in Romania are from Romanian VIP world.
![]() | Divorce one of the richest men in the country, Irinel, of his younger wife. |
Also, a Latin music singer, Pepe, who divorced - his wife, Oana, cheated on him. | ![]() |
The darkness of the world is published for lifting media rating and is considered good the more sinful and darker is to increase the rating points.
These days we talking with some couples about the need to follow Christ to be followed by other couples. In the middle of our meeting (46 couples), an older family celebrated 43 years of marriage ... It was great to celebrate this event in their lives, but only us we knew and enjoy about this celebration! ... “Light” and her good works are sometimes hidden from the rest of the people with “body of saints”. We cover the light with a blanket of our “good intentions”.
In Cluj, in 2010, 18,007 divorces were pronounced and only 4363 were married ... need is urgent and huge.