marți, 29 martie 2011

Family camp

For more than four years  we organizing Home Builders groups in Transylvania . This weekend we held an camp with several Home Builders groups from one particular church. The impulse received by them after this camp is so great that they want to engage more in ministry. Church seems transformed overnight. People serve one another, pray, share God's love to others ... they want more.
Here are some pictures from this camp ...

A few thoughts on the topics that we have achieved in this camp. We approached the subjects with good questions that brought interactivity in the discussions.

Follow me

We gave the challenge to participants to follow Jesus and be followed by others.

Encourage your life partner to strength his/her self image.

We encouraged the men and women to be active in encouraging each other following passages from Scripture urges us to do so.

sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011

vineri, 18 martie 2011

The facilities technology provide are considerable, but ...


One advertising videos for mobile phone company from Romania use humor on the situation between direct communication and technologic communication used by Smartphone or mobile phone.

That kind of joke is relevant right now because a bunch of families where the parents chat with children or send them a message to tell them that dinner is ready. Or send the
SMS, MMS to change the clean the table is need to call the wife from the restroom...Direct dialogue seems to be boring, outdated and on verge of extinction?
It seems absurd, but many parents say are increasingly turning to the computer to have a coherent conversation with their children even being in their own house!

Communication technology tends sometimes to exceed the threshold of normality, because many people are found today in front of paradoxical situation changing a few words directly with members of their families.

As long as it is only a complementary part of the direct communication between people, technological communication without doubt is not a negative phenomenon.
It is clear that a conversation through a computer or Smartphone can’t replace direct communication between people.

What features are missing by communication technology? Mimicry, tactile, human perception of physical presence...

miercuri, 16 martie 2011

A generation of a foreign parents


He sat on a log next to his friend in the school yard. He studies in a little school in the mountain village. His parents are away like many other parents in this country. He saw them twice a year ... from time to time he talk with them at the phone grabbing those promises of a new and fancy gift from foreign country. He feels that he has no power. Tired he wants to lie down to. His vision blurred. He fell in the grass.

The friend was scared and cried hysterically ... One of the teachers raised the child from the grass. They called an ambulance. He went into a deep coma...

His parents came to his hospital bed just enough to see him and hope for a miracle. But miracle appeared in their house nine years ago when this son were born. Emilian Rades after ten days of coma he died. A congenital aneurysm slew him.

In Romania 85 000 children grow up without their parents because they work in different countries in Europe.

emilian rades tribute letter copy
  Class room entry-his colleagues stick on a wall their tribute for Emilian Rades. Here is one of them.(click on a picture to increase the picture)

Marriage in danger


A dynamic and accessible faster mode for divorces between partners who have no children was one of the solutions to release the legal system in Romania ... Now it's enough to fill out a form, a piece of paper, and you are divorced.In Cluj-Napoca, the city where I live, 18,000 couples were divorced in 2010. Only 4363 couples were married. DSC04107

marți, 15 martie 2011

Some news with images


Prepare for pasturage-Bees leave the hives ... it's time to clean the body, strengthen their wings. 

I want to be clean and sanctified by the truth at you word ready for every good work ...

First blades of grass
After a hard winter the sun have more power…

God give me a tongue like this grass, to speak the truth(sword) at your word in this cold world!
DSC04094 We start to see melted snow -flows in a small streams.

O, please God melt my heart and flood other lives with living waters…
Our lovely duck “Limbi” . We expect to have little ducklings in April.

Rise much more fruit for your glory! Bring them under your wings…
DSC04098 People ignite dry grass and weeds to prepare the soil for a new plentiful crop.

O, Lord, clean out your threshing floor…burn out the chaff…bring your plentiful wheat in your storehouse! Come, Lord Jesus!

duminică, 13 martie 2011


Andrew told me yesterday that he take all the time 4SL brochure with him and look at the chart with the train as many times as inclined to be guided in his life by the emotions.


joi, 10 martie 2011

Cristina share the gospel in greek cafeteria

Cristina is now down town center Cluj-Napoca. Sharing the Gospel with 30 students (in front of girls).
She tells the girls about how to hide with Christ in God (Colossians 3.3), so if a young man need to look for them is need to find God first and then to discover them in Christ.