He sat on a log next to his friend in the school yard. He studies in a little school in the mountain village. His parents are away like many other parents in this country. He saw them twice a year ... from time to time he talk with them at the phone grabbing those promises of a new and fancy gift from foreign country. He feels that he has no power. Tired he wants to lie down to. His vision blurred. He fell in the grass. The friend was scared and cried hysterically ... One of the teachers raised the child from the grass. They called an ambulance. He went into a deep coma... His parents came to his hospital bed just enough to see him and hope for a miracle. But miracle appeared in their house nine years ago when this son were born. Emilian Rades after ten days of coma he died. A congenital aneurysm slew him. In Romania 85 000 children grow up without their parents because they work in different countries in Europe. |  |
| Class room entry-his colleagues stick on a wall their tribute for Emilian Rades. Here is one of them.(click on a picture to increase the picture) |
This is a very alarming and sad situation, praying for the children of Romania.
RăspundețiȘtergereYes, very sad situation in my country. This is the story for many countries in SE Europe. Pray for us. We begin from this spring to help families in Romania to have a biblical perspective on marriage and child raising. In April we have the first conference on child education from biblical perspective ... I was trying to find a place, here in Cluj-Napoca, where to begin workshops for parents - a place for parents to interact each other, like a team of three, to have us near to help them in their interes to rise healthy child (spiritual, emotional, phisical...)interacting with them and help them to take steps of faith in their walk with God.